Car, HYUNDAI, Korea, PALISADE (LX2), 2021, G 3.8 GDI, Brake (ABSVDC)

Brake system - Brake (ABSVDC) - 0


ECU coding code: --

Vehicle name:

System name:

Variant code: FF

Software version number:

Release date: FF FF FF

HMC/KMC part configuration:

PBC SW version:

PBC SW release date: FF FF FF

Host SW version:

Host SW release date: FF FF FF

PBC variant item:

Production year: FF FF

Production month: FF

Production day: FF

Production date: FF FF FF

Serial number: FF FF FF

Product line number: FF

Hardware and software version:


C120702: Left rear wheel speed sensor - range/performance


Clear DTC

Data stream

Variant coding: FF

Optional variant in-line code: --

Engine speed: -- rpm

Vehicle speed: -- km/h

Throttle position sensor: -- %

Shift lever position: --

Battery voltage: -- V

5v reference voltage: -- V

Left front wheel speed sensor: -- km/h

Right front wheel speed sensor: -- km/h

Left rear wheel speed sensor: -- km/h

Right rear wheel speed sensor: -- km/h

AVH switch: --

AVH lamp: --

DBC switch: --

DBC telltale: --

TPMS reset switch: --

TPMS warning telltale: --

TPMS tread lamp: --

TCS/ESP warning telltale: --

ABS telltale: --

TCS/ESP off lamp: --

EBD telltale: --

ESP switch: --

Brake light switch: --

DBC/HAC brake lamp relay: --

Motor relay: --

ESS brake lamp relay: --

Valve relay: --

Motor: --

Left rear inlet solenoid valve: --

Left front inlet solenoid valve: --

Right rear inlet solenoid valve: --

Right front inlet solenoid valve: --

Left rear outlet solenoid valve: --

Left front outlet solenoid valve: --

Right rear outlet solenoid valve: --

Right front outlet solenoid valve: --

TCS valve (HSV1): --

TCS Valve (USV1): --

TCS valve (HSV2): --

TCS Valve (USV2): --

Steering wheel angle sensor (CAN): -- °

Steering wheel angle sensor: --

Steering wheel angle sensor calibrated: --

Lateral acceleration sensor: -- g

Yaw rate sensor: -- °/sec

Pressure sensor-Pressure: -- bar

Primary pressure sensor: -- bar

Secondary pressure sensor: -- bar

Parking brake signal: --

Longitudinal acceleration sensor: -- g

AEB option: --

AVH rear act: --

4WD: --

SCC option: --

ELSD: --

SPAS option: --

RSPA option: --

FCA: --

MDPS: --

Battery voltage: -- V

Apply switch: --

Ignition switch: --

Release switch: --

Brake lamp switch: --

EPB warning telltale: --

EPB status telltale: --

Right motor current: -- A

Left motor current: -- A

Right motor voltage: -- V

Left motor voltage: -- V

G sensor output (Option): -- m/s

Neutral gear position switch (M/T only): --

Clutch sensor output (Only MT): -- %

Right motor state: --

Left motor state: --

Right static operation count: -- times

Left static operation count: -- times

Right clamp force: -- N

Left clamp force: -- N

Actuators test



Left front inlet solenoid valve

Right front inlet solenoid valve

Left rear inlet solenoid valve

Right rear inlet solenoid valve

Left front outlet solenoid valve

Right front outlet solenoid valve

Left rear outlet solenoid valve

Right rear outlet solenoid valve

Left front TC valve

Right front TC valve

Right front ESV (ESP) valve

Left front ESV (ESP) valve

HAC brake lamp actuator

ESS Lamp

EPB release right and left

EPB apply right and left

Lamp Control - EPB Warning Lamp

Lamp Control - EPB Status Lamp



Air Bleeding Mode

Steering wheel angle sensor calibration

Auto detected configuration reset (ESP(ESC) only)

Longitudinal G Sensor Calibration(HAC/DBC Only)

Brake pad exchange

Assembly check